Central Library of BGSIT is an outstanding learning resource center catering to the ever growing information and intellectual requirements of the students, faculty members and researchers. A balanced program on the development of the collection, comprising of hard copy, audio/video, CD-ROM, and other electronic forms of documents is being followed in the library. The central library has one of the finest collections of latest management publications.

BGSIT Library has two sections: General and Reference. The general section consists of a reading room, magazine section and E-Journal resource access area (fourth floor). Reference section consists of reading area, research section (bound volumes and project reports), book bank, reprographic area, Journal section and the general stack (fifth floor).

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9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
On All Working Days

Dr. K. N. Shivakumaraswamy, Ph.D 

Deputy Librarian 

Adichunachangiri University 

B G S Institute of Technology

B G Nagara, Nagamangala(TQ)

Mandya (Dist) - 571448

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